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Living with Vigor

Celebrating the Barbarian in You through Vigor, Wonder, and Fellowship.

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Inspiring the Barbarian in You through stories about Vigor, Wonder, and Fellowship  

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About the Author – Ed Hinman

Ego stuff. I graduated the U.S. Naval Academy. I played four years of college football. I served eight years in the Marine Corps. I earned a master’s degree in history. I became a bodyguard in LA. I am writing a book entitled, The Barbarian in You

Important stuff.  As I entered middle age, I noticed a mismatch between who we are (our ancient DNA) and how we live (our digital way of life). Because of this mismatch, I realized that modern men have become busier, lonelier, fatter, and in many ways, sadder, than any generation before. So I asked myself, “What can be done to reverse these ailments of modern life?” Eventually, I landed on this answer.

ed hinman face
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