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Inspiring the Barbarian in You through stories about Vigor, Wonder, and Fellowship
Ed Hinman
Sep 24, 202312 min read
Into the Woods of Wonder - 1/2 (Thinking about the Roman Empire)
In 9AD, three Roman legions (18,000 men) entered the Teutoburg Forest of Germany and were never seen again. This is their story.
Ed Hinman
Jun 9, 20239 min read
To the Ends of the Earth with Julius Caesar
When Caesar ventured off the map and into unknown worlds, he discovered new lands and peoples that captivated the Roman world with Wonder.
Ed Hinman
Dec 2, 202210 min read
The Wonder, Power, and Benefit of Past Lives
General Patton believed he had lived many lives before -- all as a warrior. He used those intuitive beliefs to fuel his success. So can you
Ed Hinman
Jul 14, 20225 min read
Barbarian Women - Thank You
More than a few women have asked, “Hey! Can women be barbarians too?” Here’s my response to all the Barbarian Women out there!
Ed Hinman
Jun 12, 20225 min read
North of the Wall: What Barbarians Teach Us
Throughout the ancient and medieval world, walls, forts, and towers built along rivers and across hill tops marked the edge of the world.
Ed Hinman
May 15, 202210 min read
The Barbarian in You
“We have lying dormant in us a genetic memory. In that genetic memory there is knowledge that goes back to the ancient.”
- John Trudell
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